Radio Presents:
Aspel on the Esplanade



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Aspel on the Esplanade
LIVE Tuesdays 1PM PT

Steve Aspel

Join 'THE VOICE OF REDONDO' Steve Aspel and his South Bay guests for a fun, heart warming show. You'll get info on South Bay Issues, News & Views. The show is filled with interviews with locals from all walks of the South Bay.

Steve was born in Inglewood, CA, grew up in Westchester and began his career with Farmers Insurance. He opened his first agent office in Manhattan Beach, CA and after operating a successful agency for 20 years he became a Farmers Insurance District Manager. Steve, a former beloved Mayor of Redondo Beach, is highly involved in what's happening in the South Bay.


To listen on-demand or podcast CLICK on the Show. For on-demand: Player automatically appears.
For Podcast Download: right click on the Player and from the drop down menu select 'Save Audio As'

04/29/2025    (Pending) Steve & Friends

04/22/2025    (Pending) Steve & Friends

04/15/2025    (Pending) Steve & Friends

04/08/2025    (Pending) Steve & Friends

04/01/2025    (Pending) Steve & Friends

03/11/2025    Steve & Friends

02/25/2025    Steve & Friends

02/18/2025    Steve & Friends

02/11/2025    Steve & Friends

02/04/2025    Steve & Friends




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