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Fix It with Faust
9am PT, 12pm ET
2nd Thursday Every Month

Faust Ruggiero

Tune in as Faust takes you on an innovative, in-depth dive into the issues of our world and even right inside ourselves, providing you insights and solutions that can change your life.

Faust Ruggiero has counseled people and families in inpatient facilities, prisons, substance abuse counseling centers, in nursing homes, provided employee assistance programs to major corporations. He has been in private practice for over thirty years, and is the award-winning author of The Fix Yourself Handbook.

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04/10/2025    (Pending) Grazyna Pajunen

03/13/2025    Jeanne Collins

02/13/2025    Todd Blyleven

01/09/2025    Shaun Weiss












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