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   In This Issue..

   - New & Upcoming Shows
   - Article: Compassionate Relationships

   - Host of the Month: Faust Ruggiero
   - Article: Natural Tips for Surgery - The Body
   - Feature Chart: Colors
   - HealthyLife Recipe of the Month   


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Linda Mackenzie will be starting
"Live with Linda" an interactive TV show on SoulSearch.tv, Apple TV, AmazonFireTV, androidtv and on the Roku Channel in June.




Faust Ruggiero
Fix It w/Faust
2nd Thursday each Month, 9am PT, 12pm ET

Who isFaust Ruggiero?

Faust A. Ruggiero’s professional career spans almost 40 years, and is diversified and compelling, as it has consistently established new and exciting cutting-edge counseling programs in its pursuit of professional excellence and personal life enhancement. He is a published research author, clinical trainer, and a therapist who has worked in settings that have included clinics for deaf children, prisons, nursing homes, substance abuse centers, inpatient facilities, major corporations, both national and international, and as the President of the Community Psychological Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania. In that capacity, he developed the Process Way of Life counseling program, and has developed it into a formal text presented in the Fix Yourself Handbook.

Upon graduating from Mansfield University in 1977, Mr. Ruggiero enrolled in the graduate program in Psychology at Illinois State University. There, with a dual major in clinical and developmental psychology, with a minor in research, he assisted in the publication of several research articles, including his thesis “The effects of prosocial and antisocial television programs on the cognitions of children.”

Mr. Ruggiero also provides counseling services for first responders, law enforcement, and other emergency personnel. Following several years of experimentation regarding the various therapeutic approaches that could be applied to clients individually, in families, social relationships plus business and corporate settings, Mr. Ruggiero developed and began utilizing the Process Way of Life Program. The program consists of over fifty internal human processes, which can be accessed and developed to help clients address the various conditions which were affecting their lives.

After the program was developed, it was rigorously researched and tested, and changes were made culminating in the approach presently being used by Mr. Ruggiero at the Community Psychological Center.

In the summer of 2016, Mr. Ruggiero decided to develop the Process Life Program into a text that can be published, and would help people in need address the difficult situations that are affecting their lives. The Fix Yourself Handbook was completed in December of 2019. On February 1st, 2020, The Fix Yourself Handbook received the Silver Award from The Nonfiction Authors Association. On May 2, 2020, it received the Gold Award from Literary Titan. On September 1st, 2020, it received the Bronze Award from Reader's Favorite. He has appeared on television and radio shows, and podcasts discussing the Process Way of Life presented in The Fix Yourself Handbook both nationally and internationally. His radio show "Fix It With Faust" debuted in June of 2021. On June 8th, 2023, the second installment in The Fix Yourself Empowerment Series, The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook was published. It is also an award-winning publication.

His website: https://faustruggiero.com/

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The Beginning of Compassionate Relationship
by Guy Finley -
"Letting Go" Tuesdays, 6pm PT


Compassion for others starts with the understanding that every human being on the planet looks different from us - because physically we are different - but inwardly we all live in the same pool.

We all have pain and pleasure. We all share emotions that move in waves through that pool. People may live on the east side of the pool so that the waves they know are different from the waves we know on the west side, but if we look close enough, we can see that we share east side waves in us as well.

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, "How could that person be like that?" and then by the grace of God, discovered that you had done the same thing before, only called it something different? This is a beautiful realization because it proves to you that it is intended for those of us who would have a higher life to use everyone's life for our own development.
Instead of walking through our days meeting people with the closed-off nature that we presently act from, we can begin to let down our guard. This doesn't mean to identify with negativity or cruelty in other people. We can certainly see their negative emotions. But because we have known hostility, fear, and hatred in ourselves, instead of punishing others for their states, we can begin to help them do what they must do, which is to fall back on themselves when we don't take part in their negativity the way we have always done.

Did you know that whenever you resist someone's negative state, you further enable that person's negativity? So, meet people differently! Learn to meet people with this quiet inner request: "What can I learn about myself from you?" Try it. You won't believe the difference it will make in what will come up in you and what you can learn about yourself because of what does come up.

As we participate in this completely different order of relationship - being aware of the other person - compassion is born.
Real compassion has to do with realizing that conscious relationship is the root of our existence, trying to get us to wake up and enter into those relationships that make it possible for our lives to become what they're intended to be.

Guy Finley is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and bestselling author. He is the Founder and Director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for spiritual self-study located in Merlin, Oregon. Guy offers online classes twice each week. These classes are free to all and have been attended by thousands of students throughout the world. You can learn more and register at www.guyfinley.org/letgo.


Elysa Markowitz
14 Years on HealthyLife.net



3rd Thursday each month at 9 a.m. PT
Natural Eating



Natural Tips for Surgery: The Body
by Linda Mackenzie, C.H.T., Ph.D.(c)

Having surgery, whether elective or unexpected, can be a traumatic experience but there are some natural things that you can do on a body, mind and spirit level that may aid your healing process and boost a positive outcome. Remember every body is different and that positive emotions have been proven to boost the immune system - so stay positive! To help your body always select the ways and methods that feel right for you. Also remember herbs are natural medicine and have to be treated with knowledge and respect - so learn about the herbs you are going to take, before you take them.



At least 2 weeks before surgery:

  • DO NOT TAKE these herbs/supplements which thin the blood:
    Garlic, Feverfew, Kava Kava, Gingko Biloba, Essential Fatty Acids and Vitamin E
  • DO start a basic "before surgery" vitamin/supplement regimen that includes:
    Vitamin/Supplement Name Activity that aid, help or restore…
    Multi vitamin/mineral complex general body support
    Acidolphilus (high potency) intestinal flora especially when taking antibiotics
    CoEnzyme Q10 fight free radicals and oxygenates tissue for healing
    Amino Acid Complex that includes: L-Cystine,
    speeds wound healing
    breaks down mucus, aids muscles
    tissue repair, collagen formation
    muscle wasting, tissue damage
    Grape Seed Extract or
    Pau D'Arco
    powerful antioxidant to fight free radicals in the body
    Vitamin C (6,000-10,000 mgs. daily) w/ bioflavinoids the immune system, tissue repair and wound healing
    Vitamin K blood clotting
    Calcium tissue repair
    Magnesium tissue repair
    Zinc tissue repair
    Silica tissue repair
    Vitamin D tissue repair
    Herb Name Activity that aid, help or restore…
    Bromelain or Tumeric high potency anti-inflammatory
    Green Tea powerful antioxidant to fight free radicals in the body
    Red Clover or Burdock Root cleanses the liver and blood
    Echinacea/Goldenseal the immune system, natural antibiotic. Works synergistically. Do not take goldenseal for more than 1 week at a time or if you are pregnant or allergic to rag weed.
    Reishi Mushroom or Kelp adverse effects of x-ray radiation
    Milk Thistle cleanses the liver
    Chamomile Tea insomnia, nervousness

  • Do enhance healing by adopting an immune system "boosting" diet:
    Foods to Avoid: wheat, dairy and milk products, yeast, sugar, processed foods, fermented products, alcohol, smoking, carbonated soda and drinks, caffeine, peanuts, tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, eggplant, iceberg lettuce.
    Good Foods: rye, corn (non-GMO), oat bran, brown rice, wild rice, goat cheese, eggs, butter, yogurt, fish, lamb, venison, chicken, turkey, duck, olive oil, safflower oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, sweet potatoes, yams, bananas, kiwi, guava, papaya, pineapple, kiwi, avocados, strawberries, blueberries, beets, artichokes, cabbage, walnuts, cashews, almonds, pecans, vegetables, kale and herbal teas.
  • Nice To Use: Other Options for the Body
    Massage, Acupressure, Reflexology: Relaxation, minimize stress, flush out toxins


  • Keep up your basic "before surgery" vitamin/supplement regimen but add these:
    Vitamin/Supplement Name Activity that aid, help or restore…
    Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) proper cell growth
    Garlic the immune system as a natural antibiotic
    MSM helps tissue healing and pain
    Vitamin E (day after surgery) tissue repair and circulation. Remember to use real Vitamin E: d-alphatocopherol, not the synthetic dl-alphatocopherol
    Vitamin E Oil
    (after stitches have been removed)
    reduce scar tissue and promotes healing. Apply topically several times a day.
    Herb Name Activity that aids or helps…
    Nettle intestinal bleeding
    Dandelion blood purification, kidneys
    Homeopathic Remedy Activity that aids or helps…
    Arnica Montana reduces swelling and aids healing

For more articles: www.lindamackenzie.net

This information is intended for general information purposes only. Individuals with health problems should always seek their natural health care provider before administrating suggestions made above. Application of above methods is at the user's discretion and is totally their responsibility.

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What's happening?

Here's Linda's Predictions...
MAY/JUNE Predictions
Click Above Link

What's happening in the
Western Astrology World?

Click on Zoe for Predictions...

What's happening in Astrology from Pluto's Perspective?

Click Banner for Kristin's Predictions

FEATURE CHART: Color Meanings


Universal Energy, Peace Divinity, Spirit, Cleansing, Protection

Life Force, Spiritual Strength Substance, Spiritual Vitality

Communication, Enlightenment Spiritual Truth

Intuition, Inspiration Creativity, Vitality

Quest, Spirituality Spiritual Growth, Esteem

Vision, Innovation Clarity, Insight, Invention

Truth, Tranquility Healing, Devotion, Spiritual Tranquility

This is an excerpt from the Linda Mackenzie's NEW book: SYMBOLS OF YOU. To order - click the link

The HealthyLife.net Recipe of the Month

Lentil MacSoup

Cooking Time: 40-50 minutes, 1-Soup Pot


2 cups lentils
2 tablespoons olive or grapeseed oil
1 medium onion (minced)
1 tablespoon of garlic (minced)
8 cups of water
3 stalks celery (diced)
2 carrots (diced)
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon maple syrup
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 teaspoon cumin
1/8 teaspoon all spice
1/4 teaspoon red cayenne pepper

Soak lentils in cold water overnight. Drain lentils.
Heat the oil in a large soup pot. Add onions and garlic. Cook until translucent.
Add lentils and brown for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.
Add water, celery, carrots, lemon juice, salt, pepper, maple syrup and spices and bring to boil.
Reduce heat and simmer slowly about 45 minutes or until lentils are tender.
Remove bay leaf and serve hot.

FOR PUREED LENTIL SOUP: Follow basic recipe and after removing bay leaf, strain lentils through a sieve. Return lentils back into the soup pot and bring back to a boil. Remove from heat and serve hot.

From the Editor's Desk   

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Thanks for tuning in to HealthyLife.Net. Catch you here next month.

Linda Mackenzie, Editor
Email: info@healthylife.net Subject Line: Newsletter Editor
Web: www.lindamackenzie.net
Tuesdays 8am PT

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