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HealthyLife.Net Radio streams Facts not Fear
Summary: HealthyLife.net Radio Network starts weekday News
program providing facts straight up without fear, propaganda or skewed
political views by veteran broadcasters and celebrity guests like Stephanie
Miller Jan 4 at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. PT
Los Angeles, CA, December 9, 2009
.It's no wonder that the first
woman to design the all-positive talk internet radio network Healthylife.net
(www.healthylife.net) makes yet another mark on the listening world. On
January 4, 2010, the more than 3 million listeners in 108 countries world-wide
will have the upbeat opportunity to compliment their weekdays with the
first all-positive newscast.
HealthyLife.net NEWS@7, the first innovation to news format in
over 50 years, broadcasts Monday through Friday at both 7am and 7pm PT
complete with the news listeners crave minus the standard negativity.
From national and international coverage, business, money matters and
of course, sports HealthyLife.net
NEWS@7 (www.healthylife.net/HRNnews7) covers it all with respected
veteran broadcasters plus a bonus: each day's newscast features a SUPER
SEGMENT focusing on rotating topics of mass interest including Health
Science and Technology, Environment and Entertainment.
According to HealthyLife.net creator and General Manager Linda
Mackenzie, "It all began with a divine inspiration years ago
to relay the facts without the fear. Since then it's been my personal
goal to innovate news broadcasting eliminating all propaganda, fear tactics
or skewed political views. The Internet is emerging as a prime source
for news delivery and HealthyLife.Net is advancing that trend to set a
new curve. It's the top news, delivered straight up, along with amazing
yet positive news stories and information that you won't find anywhere
With well-known broadcasters such as Jay Cruz, Ron Kilgore, Dr. Jane
Greer, Steve Truitt and Sally Kirkland just to name a few, Linda makes
Healthylife.net NEWS@7 even more appealing by making a socially
responsible, charitable impact with the HealthyLife.Net two-fold "Give
Back" Advertising Program. All advertisers in HealthyLife.net
NEWS@7 are rewarded with a 10% rate discount and HealthyLife.Net generously
donates 5% of the advertising fees to positive children's organizations
like the Boys & Girls Club of Oakland.
See HealthyLife.net
NEWS@7 video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX1L-nJ4PeM)
HealthyLife.net (www.healthylife.net/media/companyprofile.html)
Since 2002 HealthyLife.net available 24/7 on internet, WiFi, PDAs, Smartphones,
private radio networks for the blind, prison systems, retail stores, etc.
is one of the 300 content providers for Microsoft®Windows Media Player®
Radio Tuner. All live and call-in programs are hosted by recognized TV,
film, radio or national speaker personalities including Dr. Bernie Siegel.
Contact: Kelly Despal (310) 371-5444, email: kelly@healthylife.net